View-Locked Foams, introduced in version 0.9.0, allow a foam to stay locked to the view size. Instead of popping up at the pointer location, they always fill the view. View-Locked Foams are divided into regions, indicated by blue-grey rectangles at the sides of the view.
Bubbles placed in the blue-grey edge areas (Labelled 1 and 2 in the image above) will stay in position relative to that edge of the view as the view resizes. If the foam is activated in a view of a different size they will respect the boundaries of the new view. Note that locked views are not shown in Quad view.
Bubbles placed in the corners (3) will stay in position relative to the corner.
Bubbles placed in the centre area (4) will stay in position relative to the centre of the view.
Locked views work best when the view size is larger and the views it is used in are roughly the same size. Because bubbles in different areas move relative to each other they can overlap at smaller sizes.
When you move bubbles around in a persistent foam they will anchor to the area they are in when you release the mouse button. Bubbles will not move past the side of the foam area and your pointer will be constrained to stay inside the area.